The Applied Strategy Visualization short course is an intensive, hands-on experience for leaders and strategic professionals looking to move their businesses beyond the cutting edge of problem solving. In this course, you will apply key concepts of Strategy Visualization — visual thinking, storytelling, and information design — to a project relative to your organizational needs. You will benefit by taking all of the Strategy Visualization short courses and webinars offered as each offering reinforces key concepts of strategy visualization and offers new skills to be gained. You may complete any of the courses in an order that fits your needs.
  • Course Length

    At Goizueta Business School
  • Typical Class Size

    For professionals looking to develop a deep understanding of the three critical elements of strategy visualization
  • Course Investment

    Breakfast and lunch included


Applied Strategy Visualization continues to build on strategy visualization techniques by applying design principles that support both strategy and implementation. In this course, you will review basic concepts of strategy visualization, and then dive more deeply into three key areas of strategy visualization - development, design elements, and execution frameworks. You will benefit by taking both Strategy Visualization short courses and the supplemental webinar offered as each program reinforces key concepts of strategy visualization and offers new skills to be gained. You may complete any of the courses in an order that fits your needs. This courses applies to the C-Suite Business Analytics, Strategy, or Change Management certificates.

Learning Objectives

  • Team Support

    Bring members of your team to learn how to apply strategy visualization concepts to a real project.
  • An Execution Plan

    Create a canvas and execution plan for your project and receive expert feedback from your instructors and peers.
  • Visualization Tools

    Explore how tools like the Penrose Triangle can help you move initiatives beyond the cutting edge of innovative problem solving.


Expand your knowledge of strategy development, design elements, and execution frameworks. Work with your team to dive more deeply into visual thinking, storytelling, and information design and create an execution plan that will move your project forward.

Fill out the form below to learn more.

Want to know more?

Please speak with one of our learning advisors to learn more about this course and discover how Emory Executive Education can help you meet your continuing education needs and professional development goals.