Every 1st & 3rd Thursday of the Month

Business Over Breakfast


Grab your morning coffee and join us the first and third Thursday of each month from 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. ET for Business Over Breakfast with Emory Executive Education ─ a free webinar series, where Goizueta Business School faculty address the latest trends and current issues in business.
  • Number of Sessions

    Per Month: Every 1st & 3rd Thursday
  • Number of Hours

    9 a.m. - 10 a.m.
  • Webinar Investment

    Free: Complimentary Webinar

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Upcoming Sessions

Title- The Economy & Me Reprise: 2023 in Review

Speaker- Tom Smith, Professor in the Practice of Finance; Academic Director, Master of Analytical Finance

Session- Join us for a look back on 2023 and a real time update on what's happening in the economy. As we look toward 2024, engage in a conversation about what matters to us as individuals and our organizations.

Title- How to Make 2024 Your Best Year Ever

Speaker- Jamie Turner, Adjunct Lecturer in Marketing 

Session- Would you like to make 2024 the best year of your career and personal life? If so, then you won’t want to miss this upbeat, fun, and action-oriented webinar where we will discuss science-based tips on setting goals, connecting with co-workers, leading fellow team members, and performing at your peak.

Title- The Rise of the Energy-Inspired Sustainable Organization

Speaker- Andrew Deutscher, Founder of Regenerate

Session- In today's leadership landscape the demands are ever evolving, over two-thirds of leaders struggle to keep up with work demands amidst rapid change and uncertainty. This challenge reveals an unspoken reality: we are currently incapable of adapting to change at the levels we are experiencing, and the stress is impacting organizational performance and personal health. Join us to explore The Rise of The Energy-Inspired Sustainable Organization. Learn how these organizations prioritize energy over time for resilience and sustainable leadership. 

Title: What's New in B2B Sales? A Management Briefing on Best Practices & Emerging Trends


Speaker: Bob Kelly, Goizueta Adjunct Professor


Few corners of the B2B enterprise have seen more disruption and change than the sales function. Consider just the past five years – a period which saw sales forces roiled by a global pandemic, then an uncertain recovery with accompanying swings in demand and supply. Adding to these challenges are tightened access to capital, an uncertain labor market, and the accelerated impact of AI. These factors are poised to disrupt sales organizations in unforeseen ways that many firms haven't yet anticipated. Join us as Goizueta adjunct professor Bob Kelly reviews the most important sales force trends, management practices, and research insights for high performing organizations to thrive amidst the changes and position your sales force for success.

Imagine the ability to duplicate , through AI, a critical decision made in your company and scale it so others could learn and benefit from it. Join us to explore the ways in which Karl Kuhnert, Professor of the Practice in the Organization and Management, is employing AI and machine learning as powerful tools in teaching us to make better ethical decisions. 

Serious, intelligent, commanding respect, charismatic, influencer....these are just a few words one might hear associated with the word 'gravitas.'  What role does gravitas play in leadership and how might you exhibit gravitas in an authentic way?  Join Allison Gilmore, Allison Gilmore, Director of The Goizueta Business School PhD Program and Founder, DuMore Improv as we demystify this allusive component of executive presence.  

Over the past decade we’ve seen how “one-size-fits-all” marketing has gone out the window as brands embrace multicultural marketing initiatives to help reach consumers who’ve often been ignored.  Join us as Ivan Ibarra, Multicultural Campaign Strategist, discusses how brands can build brand loyalty with multicultural audiences, while avoiding being perceived as performative or superficial. 

Corporate disclosure communicates financial health, promotes culture and brand, and engages a broad spectrum of stakeholders. Warren Buffet's annual letters to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders showcase corporate American writing at its best, featuring memorable quotes like “Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful," and “When it's raining gold, reach for a bucket, not a thimble."  Such writings are crafted with a human audience in mind.  However, what if 90% of the corporate filings these days are read by bots?  

As AI advances, concerns grow about its impact on jobs, with predictions suggesting automation could eliminate 73 million jobs by 2030, but 85% of the jobs that will exist by 2030 haven’t even been invented yet. The transition emphasizes shifting from mundane tasks to creative, collaborative work. This evolving landscape suggests a future where AI enriches the workplace and society. In this session, Dr. Garg will share his framework to measure if your business is AI-ready, and how AI will transform the way we work. 

Do you ever feel like you are not good enough, doubt your abilities, or worry about being exposed as a fraud, despite your proven success and competence as a leader? You are not alone. Imposter Syndrome affects an estimated 70% of people at some point in their lives. And while it impacts all genders; women often experience it more frequently than men. Robin Mladinich, Executive Coach and Founder of Inspire 2 Impact Leadership Group, will provide you with practical strategies, tools, and insights to:

- Understand the origins and impact of Imposter Syndrome.
- Identify common signs and symptoms affecting leaders across all industries and sectors.
- Learn effective techniques to challenge negative thoughts, celebrate achievements, build self-confidence and advocate for yourself.
- Embrace your authentic self, overcome self-doubt, and unlock your full potential as a confident and successful leader.

When operating a business in an active real estate market, especially in high demand cities with large corporate presence and a growing number of relocations, organizations must rethink their space needs and clearly understand the leverage or opportunity that exists in securing that space. Join Hussain Moosajee to gain insights from meaningful metrics and market indicators, to help your organization negotiate productively and make informed decisions about what is likely to be a sizable expense for your business. Through this webinar, you will gain insights on key factors - office product type, emerging trends in office space utilization, and occupier considerations, in the context of highly active Atlanta, DC and NYC markets.

Navigating change is the hardest task that leaders and managers face today. To succeed at this task, they need to master an essential process that only few have championed: discovery as an inventive process. This webinar will equip you with actionable strategies to integrate discovery into your work and life. Join us as Karen Golden-Biddle shares her extensive research and compelling stories to illuminate the importance of discovery, and how leaders tap its creative power for positive change.

Miscommunication is common in the workplace, often distorting messages like in the telephone game. Clint Padgett, CEO/President of Project Success will uncover the  differences between communication, conversation, and dialog, and how these elements can build a high-functioning team.

Just like a company's board of directors (BoD) counsels and supports the performance of the CEO, you need a personal board of directors to achieve success and reach optimal performance. Your personal board serves as an advisor, a sparring partner, a reality check for developing as the leader you want to be and shaping the life you want to have. In this important session, we will explore practical, actionable steps to:
  • Define the scope of your personal BoD.
  • Identify and invite the individuals that most complement your blind spots.
  • Set guidelines for the BoD commitment and relationship management.



Monique LaRue Wilson, relationship management consultant, podcaster, coach, and keynote speaker, will explore the critical period of being "in-between" career roles and how to make the most of it. Whether you are actively seeking your next role, or simply navigating a voluntary or involuntary pause in your professional journey, this conversation is designed to equip you with the mindset, skills and strategies to not just survive, but to thrive during these times. Monique will cover three major points to ensure the audience makes the most of their critical in-between:

  1. Inner Work (Mindset) -  Embrace the in-between as a period of growth and self-discovery.

  2. Outer Work (Skilling Up) - Gain the skills and experience to strengthen and support a career shift or to expand your current skill set.

  3. Staying Active and Engaged - Constantly learning, connecting and engaging with people, activities and subjects that feed and inspire you!

Greatest Hits

  • Business Model Innovations (Part Two)

    Speaker: Anandhi Bharadwaj, Vice Dean for Faculty and Research & Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management

    Description: The concepts of business model (BM) and business model innovation (BMI) have attracted significant managerial attention over the last two decades. Anandhi Bharadwaj does a deep dive into these concepts to examine and clarify the origins and notions of BMI, where she provides insights into the tools that support BMI, and concludes with a discussion of the managerial challenges related to managing BM and BMI.
  • The Intersection of Strategy and Innovation

    Speaker: Scott Sanchez, Adjunct Faculty & Product Innovation Officer, Deluxe Corporation

    Description: Does strategy drive innovation or does innovation drive strategy? It's clear these two disciplines must be inextricably linked to fulfill a company's mission, yet how do they work best together? Scott Sanchez examines how we can innovate strategy for today's world when dealing with real customers and prospects; and the tools needed in an innovator's toolkit to be effective.
  • Making Innovation Happen

    Speaker: Jill Perry-Smith, Goizueta Business School Professor of Organization & Management

    Description: To get ahead of the competition, organizations are often looking to bring new, novel ideas to market quickly and effectively. This session will look at how the collaborative needs of a team shift through the four phases of bringing an idea to market – idea generation, concept elaboration, internal promotion, and implementation - and discuss how you can recognize and support these unique teaming needs to harness innovative ideas and bring them to fruition.
  • The Growth Leader's Playbook

    Speaker: Francisco Crespo, Goizueta Executive-in-Residence & Former Chief Growth Officer, The Coca-Cola Company

    Description: Every Leader needs a playbook. Francisco Crespo shares his four disciplines of growth and the tools leaders have to navigate the challenges encountered when executing these disciplines.
  • How to Build Brands in a Modern World

    Speaker: Rebecca Messina, Former Global Chief Marketing Officer at Uber

    Description: Having lead some of the world's oldest, and youngest brands, Rebecca Messina shares her perspective on building brands in a modern world – the challenges for old brands to transform, for new brands to stick, and for executives to lead.
  • The Economy and Me

    Speaker: Tom Smith, Goizueta Business School Finance Professor

    Description: Tom Smith discusses the latest economic news, the impact of coronavirus, what people are saying, and what it all means for you.
  • Driving Growth with Content Analysis

    Speaker: David Schweidel, Goizueta Business School Marketing Professor

    Description: Marketers compete for consumers attention, necessitating content that breaks through the digital clutter. Content analysis offers a means of identifying characteristics of text, visuals and audio that are most likely to engage consumers. David Schweidel examines how analytic methods can be applied to content involving social media and search engine optimization while exploring how to drive growth.
  • Understanding Unconscious Bias to Reduce Prejudice in the Workplace

    Speaker: Erika Hall, Goizueta Business School Professor of Organization & Management

    Description: Recent acts of violence have brought discussions of racism and social injustices to the forefront. Although this awareness helps employees check their biases on a conscious level, much of racial bias begins at an implicit level. Erika Hall discusses the unconscious, psychological antecedents of the recent interactions between police and Black women and men.
  • Analytical Finance to Drive Growth

    Speaker: Dr. Kirsten Travers-UyHam, Goizueta Business School Finance Professor & Academic Director, Master of Analytical Finance Program

    Description: With minute-to-minute lurches in the stock markets so far this year, does anyone really understand what is going on in the world economy? Dr. Kirsten Travers-UyHam shares three key graphics that give us insights on the state of the world, and reveals what the markets are signaling for the year ahead.

All Past Sessions

Missed some of our past sessions? No worries, you can catch up at anytime. We upload our videos to YouTube after every session.