Information Systems & Operations Management Faculty
The ability not only to account for but also leverage digital technology and novel operating practices is a critical qualification for corporate leaders. This is particularly evident given that resources and technological skills crucial for competition are increasingly outsourced and offshored. The Information Systems & Operations Management area seeks to distinguish itself as a group of high-impact scholars who bring thought leadership to understanding, explaining, and shaping these issues. Faculty study systems and processes that define the operating and information practices in firms, markets, and society. Globalization and emerging digital technologies have and continue to transform the structure, form, and governance of these systems and processes.
Research methods employed in ISOM research include theory-building, analytical and computational modeling, empirical work through archival and survey data, as well as experimental approaches. ISOM's rising prominence in the academies is apparent in their numerous publications and editorial roles at top journals such as MIS Quarterly, Journal of Operations Management, Information Systems Research, Production and Operations Management, Management Science, Journal of MIS, and Manufacturing and Service Operations Management.