Professor Bharadwaj joined Goizueta after completing her PhD in Management Information Systems with a minor in Computer Science, from Texas A&M University. She also holds an MBA and a BS degree in Mathematics. Prior to pursuing her doctoral studies, Anandhi worked as an information systems consultant at NIIT, a worldwide IT consulting firm, and was responsible for IT systems development and executive training.
Anandhi's research examines the adoption, use, and impact patterns associated with technological change. Her work has made impactful contributions in the areas of business value and impact of information technology, digital business strategies, healthcare technologies, and technology outsourcing. In her dissertation research, she proposed an artificial intelligence (AI) based architecture for dynamic scheduling based on an analysis of cardiac catheterizations in a large hospital in Texas. The hybrid system architecture combined opportunistic planning with reason maintenance.
Anandhi previously served as the Vice Dean of Faculty and Research. She has also served as Department Editor for the IS track in Management Science, Senior Editor for Information Systems Research, and Associate Editor of MIS Quarterly and the Journal of AIS. Her research has been published in journals such as Management Science, Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, Organization Science Journal of MIS, Production and Operations Management, HBR, and IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
PhD in Information SystemsTexas A&M University
Masters (Post Graduate Diploma) in ManagementInstitute of Rural Management , Gujarat, India
BS in Mathematics; Statistics and PhysicsMadras University
The Effects of Information Nudges on Consumer Usage of Digital Services under Three-Part Tariffs
We develop a dynamic model to examine how information nudges influence digital services’ consumer usage behavior and welfare under a three-part tariff structure. We study two types of information nudging: nudging through full and nudging through partial information provision. In the former, information nudges are provided to inform consumers of their usage status at every decision point in a billing cycle. In contrast, in the latter, consumers are nudged at one or more decision points within a billing cycle but not throughout the billing cycle. Our model considers two dimensions of consumer heterogeneity: inattentiveness and preference. Furthermore, our model investigates an important but under-investigated design element of information nudges, namely, the timing of the information nudges. We find that (1) nudging through information provision influences inattentive consumers’ usage decisions and improves consumption efficiency, (2) consumers’ welfare gains from full information nudging depict an inverted-U shape contingent on consumers’ preference heterogeneity, and (3) the timing of nudging matters. Our findings provide managerial implications for the design of information nudging strategies and procedures. Finally, we empirically illustrate the analytical results in the context of consumers’ mobile data usage behavior.
Drug Abuse and the Internet: Evidence from Craigslist
The United States is in the midst of a drug overdose epidemic. Although the online availability of drugs has been a growing concern with considerable speculation that digital platforms are contributing to this epidemic, empirical assessments have been lacking. To quantify this impact, we rely on the phased rollout of Craigslist, a major online platform, as an experimental setup. Applying a difference-in-differences approach on a national panel data set for all counties in the United States from 1997 to 2008, we find a 14.9% increase in drug abuse treatment admissions, a 5.7% increase in drug abuse violations, and a 6.0% increase in drug overdose deaths after Craigslist’s entry. The impacts of Craigslist’s entry are larger among women, whites, Asians, and the more educated. Further, the unintended consequences of Craigslist are more likely to accrue in larger, wealthier areas with initially low levels of drug abuse. These findings raise the possibility that the marked growth in U.S. drug abuse may have partially stemmed from the wider availability of illicit drugs online at the very beginning of its evolution.
Empirical Analysis of IP Rights Sharing in Software Contracts
Software development outsourcing (SDO) contracts are plagued with ex post opportunism and underinvestment problems. Property rights theory (PRT) argues that appropriate property rights allocation between vendors and clients can reduce opportunism and incentivize relation-specific investments. We conduct an in-depth content analysis of 171 real SDO contracts and empirically examine how project attributes and contract parties' bargaining power affect the allocation of intellectual property rights (IPR). We find that clients retained more IPR when software development was modularized whereas they shared more IPR with vendors in contracts that incorporated greater use of a vendor's proprietary software. Greater levels of task complexity were associated with more IPR sharing with vendors. We also find that the responsiveness of IPR to project attributes varied across the different types of intellectual assets
Software Process Diversity: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Analysis of Impact on Project Performance
We investigate software process diversity, defined as the project condition arising out of the simultaneous use of multiple software development process frameworks within a single project. We conceptualize software process diversity as the response of a project team to such contingencies as requirements volatility, design and technological novelty, customer involvement, and the level of organizational process compliance enforced on the project. Moreover, we conceptualize that the degree of fit (or match) between a project’s software process diversity and the level of process compliance enforced on the project impacts overall project performance. We empirically tested this conceptualization by utilizing data collected from 410 large commercial software projects of a multinational firm. Results show that higher levels of requirements volatility, design and technological novelty, and customer involvement increased software process diversity within a project. However, software process diversity decreased relative to increases in the level of process compliance enforced on the project. A higher degree of fit between a project’s process diversity and process compliance, rather than the effects of those variables independently, was found to be significantly associated with a higher level of project performance, as measured in terms of project productivity and software quality. These results indicate that increasing software process diversity in response to project-level contingencies improves project performance only when there is a concomitant increase in organizational process compliance efforts. We discuss the implications of these results for research