PhD in

Organization & Management

One Degree Many Paths

We live in a society where organizations are the engines of technology and social innovation, the foundations of careers, and the bases of social diversity. The study of organizations is at the cutting edge of the social sciences — a multi-disciplinary endeavor that draws on psychology, sociology, political science, and economics. The Organization & Management (O&M) program prepares students for research and teaching careers in one of these major areas: organization theory, economic sociology, and organizational behavior.

Organization & Management Curriculum Timeline

  Fall Spring Summer
Year 1
  • Core/Area coursework
  • Business research modules
Core/Area coursework Core/Area coursework
Year 2
  • Core/Area coursework
  • Laney Graduate School teaching workshop
  • Jones Program in Ethics training & workshops
Core/Area coursework Comprehensive exam: Research paper & presentation
Year 3
  • Comprehensive written exam
  • Dissertation proposal
  • Teaching assistantship
Dissertation proposal Dissertation proposal
Year 4
  • Dissertation proposal
  • Candidacy
  • Teaching associateship
  • Dissertation research
  • Teaching business
Dissertation research
Year 5 Dissertation research
  • Dissertation defense
  • Graduation

Faculty Research and Published Work

The Organization & Management faculty study a wide range of topics, from micro-level individual perceptions and capabilities to more macro-level phenomena such as the strategies and performance of organizations, industries, and institutions. To do so, they utilize a wide array of research techniques, including experiments, longitudinal event history analysis, computer simulations, surveys, and more.

The Organization & Management group seeks to train future scholars who wish to make an impact on research in the science of organizations through an academic appointment. Applicants to our program should articulate their research interests and should specify whether they wish to work primarily with the macro-oriented or micro-oriented research faculty. On the macro side, faculty who are currently active in advising students include Kocak, Longhofer, Negro, and Swaminathan. On the micro side, faculty who are currently active in advising students include Bianchi, Dittmann, Fernandes, Hall, Perry-Smith, and Williams.

The Organization & Management faculty publish in leading journals in management as well as the reference disciplines of sociology, psychology, and economics. Our scholars have a history of visible roles in professional associations and on the editorial boards of leading journals, including: American Journal of Sociology, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, American Sociological Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Organization Science, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Psychological Science, Social Forces, and Strategic Management Journal.

Organization & Management Faculty

Giacomo Negro
Professor of Organization & Management and Professor of Sociology (by courtesy); Associate Dean for Culture and Inclusion
Peter Roberts
Professor of Organization & Management; Academic Director of Specialty Coffee Programs, Business & Society Institute

Organization & Management PhD Students

Pursuing a PhD in O&M

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