BBA Exchange Study

Exchange Study at Goizueta

From the moment our international exchange students set foot onto campus, they are part of the Goizueta community and are encouraged to take full advantage of all that Goizueta, Emory, and Atlanta has to offer. Whether it is participating in social and professional development opportunities or joining one of more than 300 student organizations, BBA exchange students are able to easily meet new people and find a home away from home.
  • International Exchange Students

    In the BBA Program Each Year
  • International Partner Schools

    For Exchange Study Opportunities
  • Countries Represented

    By Our Exchange Students

Before Arriving in the United States

Exchange coordinators should follow the below instructions for nomination.

  • For exchanges beginning in our fall semester (August through December), nominations are due by April 1
  • For exchanges beginning in our spring semester (January through May), nominations are due by September 15

Students may begin preparing the application materials as soon as your internal selection process has concluded. Please see our Calendar & Timeline below so you can advise your students should they have questions about when steps of their nomination, application, registration, enrollment, accommodation, arrival, and other exchange matters occur. Please also note that we only accept electronic document submission.

Nominate Now

Students may begin preparing the application materials as soon as the home university internal selection process has concluded.

  • For exchanges beginning in our fall semester (August through December), student application materials are due by April 15
  • For exchanges beginning in our spring semester (January through May), student application materials are due by October 1

All nominated students are conditionally accepted upon receipt of nomination from the host school. Official letters of acceptance will be electronically mailed with the DS-2019 student visa paperwork. Once we have processed the online application and supporting documents, we will inform students via email if anything is missing. We will not begin processing the documents until after the application deadline. Please note that it takes six to eight weeks to process all of the documents, including preparation of visa materials. 

Timeline Fall Semester
Spring Semester
Home school selection process Varies Varies
Official nomination to GBS April 1 September 15
Conditional acceptance Upon receipt of nomination Upon receipt of nomination
Application materials due April 15 October 1
Official acceptance
(pending receipt of complete, correct application materials)
May 1 October 15
Preparation of visa documents April 15-May 14 October 1-31
Enrollment into courses Late June Mid-November
Submit vaccination records July 1 December 1
Arrival (no later than the Wednesday before classes begin) Late August Early January
Orientation Late August Early January
Classes begin (see registrar's calendar) Late August Early January
Ongoing exchange activities August-December January-May
Wrap Up Procedures December May

Goizueta BBA exchange students are hosted as J-1 exchange visitors while at Emory. The online application and documents students submit will be used to create the DS-2019 document, which gives students permission to be here as an exchange student with a J-1 visa. Emory University has authorization from the government to produce these, which takes 4-12 weeks after receipt of all of a student's documents. Emory also registers exchange students onto the SEVIS system as part of the process in generating the DS-2019. The DS-2019 and additional information will be sent directly to the student via email. Once a student receives it, he or she will make an appointment with the nearest U.S. consulate or embassy (different consulate locations have different policies).

All international and exchange students at Emory are required to have health insurance coverage during their exchange semester(s). Emory Student Health Insurance will automatically be added, but may be waived if the student provides sufficient external insurance. All Emory students, including those on exchange, are also required to submit vaccination records.  

If you are interested in studying at Goizueta Business School as a free mover (not an official nominee from one of our partner schools), please contact BBA International Programs directly. For planning purposes, please consider the following requirements:

  1. Official confirmation that your studies at Goizueta will be transferred toward your home university degree requirements; and
  2. Payment of regular Emory undergraduate tuition.

During Your Stay in the United States


BBA International Programs is located in Room 316 of the Goizueta Business School of Emory University.


BBA International Programs
Goizueta Business School
Emory University
1300 Clifton Road
Atlanta, GA 30322 USA


Not sure what “course” means at Emory? Wondering what your GPA is? Try these resources!

Higher Education Glossary

Academic Terminology

At Goizueta Business School, a grading distribution is used in all classes. Professors at Goizueta utilize Canvas, an online learning management system, to inform students of requirements and deadlines for each class. Students should check Canvas daily to remain current on class developments and information. Many professors will post numerical grades and/or feedback for individual assignments and exams on Canvas. The official Emory transcript will show only the final, letter grade for each course.

Exchange students from countries with different traditions regarding quotations, citations, or giving/receiving unauthorized help on graded assessments should be particularly careful to learn and follow the Emory Undergraduate Academic Honor Code during their participation on a BBA exchange program. All cases of possible scholastic dishonesty are referred to the relevant dean's office. Academic dishonesty is not permitted at Emory University.  In the United States, academic dishonesty includes representing another's words or ideas as one's own without proper citation (such as copying and pasting information from books or the Internet for use in presentations or papers without using quotation marks and/or indicating from what source the material came); and giving or accepting unauthorized help on graded assessments. These are known respectively as plagiarism and cheating.

Course schedules for each fall semester are available by approximately March 15 each year; schedules for each spring semester are available by approximately October 15.

BBA exchange students must enroll in at least 12 credit hours but no more than 18 total credit hours for one semester. BBA exchange students must enroll in at least two business school courses, and may not enroll in more than two Emory College of Arts & Sciences classes. Please note that economics courses at Emory University are offered by Emory College of Arts & Sciences, not by the Goizueta Business School.

Syllabus materials for business school classes are available on the BBA Program Canvas page (Emory login credentials required). Syllabus materials are not publicly available for Emory College classes.

Access Course Atlas

Exchange students should consult their home universities regarding translation of credits, validation of courses, and comparison of their home school curriculum to Goizueta’s curriculum. The BBA International Programs Office provides academic advising for all exchange students during the week of add/drop/swap as well as throughout the semester.

Each class has a designated final exam time. Students will learn these times by the mid-point of the semester. Exams may be scheduled at any time during the final exam period, which lasts for one week after regular classes end. Some classes do not have final exams at all; others have final papers, projects, or both. Goizueta Business School exams may be rescheduled at a students' request if the student has two exams at the same exact time, or more than three exams scheduled to begin and to finish in one period of 24 hours. Emory College exams may not be rescheduled. For all these reasons, exchange students should organize their travel plans to stay at Emory University through the last day of the final examination week.

Exchange students are often surprised by the frequency and quantity of assignments in the United States. In the business school, it is not uncommon to have two to ten hours of reading and homework each week for each class.

Classes are heavily discussion and case based. Sometimes, professors allow students to raise their hands to respond to questions posed, known as "warm calling." At other times, professors call on students who have not indicated a willingness to answer the question; this is known as "cold calling."

All students taking classes at Goizueta receive a name plate, a paper card with first name and family/last name displayed. Professors in most classes expect students to display these name plates during each class.

There are often several assessments made of a student during the semester. These may include, but may not be limited to, grades for class participation, class presentations, projects, quizzes, tests, and final exams. The final grade is usually calculated from a combination of the various grades earned on these assessments, in distinct percentage values.

Group work is common at Goizueta. A professor may assign students to groups, or allow students to form their own groups. International students are strongly encouraged to participate in groups with American participants, not just with other international students. Groups often establish meeting schedules independent of scheduled class times. Groups frequently meet at night, due to the extracurricular commitments of many degree-seeking members such as sports, fraternities/sororities, and clubs.

Goizueta Exchange Fact Sheet

Download and reference the Fact Sheet for information on BBA exchange.