General Questions
No work experience is required for our full-time MS in Business Analytics. The typical average years of work experience for a cohort is 2 years. While some students will have work experience, others in the classroom may have no prior work experience outside of internships.
No, we do not accept transfer credits.
If you are re-applying within a year of your original application, we will keep your file open, and request to you send updated resume, transcript (if applicable), and essay. If you are re-applying after a year, please resubmit a new application and all supporting documentation.
Academics and Program Logistics
Yes, our full-time MS in Business Analytics is a STEM degree. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) allows graduates of STEM programs on F-1 visas, who work for an E-Verify employer, the opportunity to work full-time in the US. In addition to the normal Optional Practical Training (OPT) period of 12 months for international students, a STEM degree makes possible a 24-month extension of post-completion OPT, offering total potential eligibility of up to 36 months.
Our degree is a very intense, full-time program. We ask you that you start the program before considering part-time employment. Full-time employment during the full-time MSBA program is not possible. Traveling during the academic year (during class sessions) is strongly discouraged. Students receive several holidays throughout their studies—fall break, Thanksgiving holidays, winter break, and spring break.
Emory offers graduate professional housing in venues on the edges of campus targeted to student's needs and desires. Emory provides shuttles to these units. In addition, the Emory area offers a wide variety of attractive and affordable housing options including apartment complexes and rental homes. Admitted students receive more information on housing following admission to the program.
Graduates of the full-time MS in Business Analytics program have successfully launched their business analytics careers across a range of industries. They find themselves in high demand and accept roles such as Business Analyst, Business Operations Engineer, Data Scientist, Consultant, Senior Data Analyst, and more.
Download the latest MS in Business Analytics employment report.
The total cost for the full-time MSBA program includes:
- A non-refundable deposit (that is credited toward your tuition)
- Program tuition
- Mandatory student fees (including: transcript fee - first semester only, activity fees, rec and athletic fees, and mental health & counseling fees)
- Additional costs may include:
- Housing
- Parking
- Books
- Health insurance*
*Students are required to have health insurance. Emory University offers a good plan through Aetna for those seeking a reasonable policy. If a student is already covered on a parent/spouse's insurance, they are required to complete a waiver prior to fall orientation.
We do not have quotas but are simply looking for the best candidates. This means your candidacy will be evaluated on the whole person—your test scores, your undergraduate grades (particularly if you have recently graduated undergrad), your letters of reference, your personal statement, your résumé (if you have work experience), and potentially a personal interview, will all weigh equally in your application.
Based on the candidates who apply, we admit a very diverse group of international and domestic candidates with varying backgrounds. Some will have work experience, others will be admitted having just completed their undergraduate coursework. All will be looking to launch a career as a business data scientist.
Applications and Transcripts
Yes, we will accept scanned unofficial transcripts for evaluative purposes. Please upload all transcripts to the application with your essays and résumé. If you are admitted to the program you will be required to submit official transcripts with your enrollment deposit.
Yes, regardless of whether your credits from other institutions were accepted by the institution where you received your degree, we must receive a transcript from each post-secondary institution attended.
Detailed instructions for checking the status of your application will be sent with confirmation that your application was received.
Yes, you may submit your application whenever you are ready. It will be reviewed in the first round following the date you submit. For example: If you submit on November 15, you have missed the Round 1 deadline and your application would be reviewed in Round 2.
Our MSBA application fee is $150. If you are also submitting an MBA application, please note the application process is different.
You will need to email us directly. Please forward a copy of your receipt with the date you submitted payment and the card holder's name. If you did not receive a receipt following online payment, please contact your credit card company and verify the charge. If the charge is not verified, please resubmit payment.
This is not an uncommon situation for international students. Most U.S. transcripts have a notation included that says, "degree conferred" or "degree issued". If your transcript does not state that your degree was issued, please include documentation that your degree was issued by your university. If you have completed the checklist in your application and yet still receive a message that your application is not complete, please email the MSBA admissions team.
We prefer recommenders use the form generated from our online application system, but they may submit a letter that addresses our questions as long as they also include the evaluation grid, which can be downloaded from the hardcopy form. They may scan their letter which should include their business card and email it to us or to our mailing address:
Emory University
Goizueta Business School
MSBA Admissions
1300 Clifton Rd
Atlanta, GA 30322
Depending on the filters they may have on their email systems they should look in their spam boxes. If the request is not there, you should contact us via email.
If you are a recent graduate, or in your senior year about to graduate, we strongly recommend that at least one of your recommenders be a professor who can speak to your quantitative abilities. If you have been working in industry for awhile, then certainly both of your recommenders can be professional recommendations.
Test Scores
The GRE/TOEFL code for Emory is 3984. Please note that TOEFL is NOT required if you completed your undergraduate degree in English and work primarily in an English environment. An English Language Test waiver may be requested if a candidate has:
- Spent at least 3 years in the U.S. studying toward completion of an undergraduate degree, OR
- Completed a graduate degree in the U.S. followed by at least 2 years of work in the U.S. (or an English speaking country)
Requests for a TOEFL waiver should be submitted in writing after submitting your application. Please provide an explanation in the body of your email to show how you meet the above requirements. Once you apply, please submit your request, and we will review at that time. Please submit your request via email.
Please send us an email and request that we hold review of your application until we have your new scores. If we have not already rendered a decision we will hold your application. Your application will then be moved to the next round. Your application will be considered incomplete until we have your final test score. Once we receive your score your application will be reviewed in the next round.
Yes, we will accept the GRE. No prior approval is necessary.
No, we gladly accept both test scores. Please note some employers require GMAT scores in the recruiting process.
Generally, it takes 3 weeks for us to receive your scores electronically. In order for us to receive your scores you must have listed Emory University Goizueta Business School as a recipient. If you did not list Emory (you can check this by looking at your copy of your scores) please contact GMAC directly and add us to your list of authorized recipients.
Your GMAT/GRE score is only one of the components we consider when making an admission decision. We look at the candidate as a whole person. However, with that said, our average GMAT is currently 715. What we are particularly paying close attention to is your quantitative score, so if your score is below 680, but your quantitative score is good, please reach out to us to discuss. You can send us an email.
If you feel your score does not accurately reflect your capabilities then you should consider retaking the GMAT. We consider the highest total score.
If you have taken both the GMAT and the GRE you should submit all scores. We will take into consideration your highest score.
We do not average scores. We consider only the highest total score. Multiple test takings do not negatively impact how an application is reviewed.
Applicants to the Master of Science in Business Analytics program at Goizueta Business School are required to take the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) unless they meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Emory students who receive a 3.0 GPA or higher cumulative GPA.
- Non-Emory students studying at an accredited college or university who receive a 3.5 on a 4.0 Scale (or equivalent) or higher cumulative GPA (STEM majors only).
- A master’s or doctorate in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) field with a 3.0 on a 4.0 Scale (or equivalent) or higher GPA and a grade of B (or equivalent) or better in Statistics.
- For students submitting transcripts from universities who do not grade on a 4.0 scale, please submit a WES evaluation if you have one. If you do not have one, we may ask you to provide a WES evaluation.
We do not expect you to travel to Atlanta prior to or during the application process. If you are local, we may request an in-person interview, but otherwise, all of our interviews are conducted by a web-based tool similar to Skype.
No, we view all interview evaluations equally. The interview gives the committee an opportunity to get to know you better and may serve to answer some questions that were not addressed in your application file. We find that web interviews simulate the in-person interview.
Generally, a member of the admissions committee conducts the interviews.
You should plan to spend 30 minutes on your interview. Please come prepared as if you are attending a job interview, even if your interview is online.
Please have a copy of your most recent résumé available. If your current position or responsibilities have changed since you submitted your application, please take a moment to email us the latest version of your résumé.
No. Interview decisions are made after your completed file is reviewed by our admissions team. If chosen for an interview, you will be notified by email.
Candidates who are waitlisted in one round will be moved to the next round and the application will be reassessed. You may check your status online on the next decision notification date. If your waitlist status did not change, it means that you have remained on the waitlist and your file will be reassessed in the next round.