The Roberto C. Goizueta Center

Entrepreneurship & Innovation Programs

We meet students where they are with access points and general exposure for the curious as well as skill development and in-depth learning opportunities for the highly engaged.

Disruptors & Innovators

Developing an entrepreneurial mindset for organizations of all types


  • HackATL

    A student hackathon where participants are given 48 hours to develop a prototype and pitch to judges, angel investors, and venture capitalists.
  • Hatchery Incubator Support

    Designed to help you advance your venture every month, with a regular cadence of learning (including monthly talks from alumni, local entrepreneurs, and industry experts), testing, iterating, and micro-funding to build the next prototype or run the next test.
  • Nucleate

    A matching program between Georgia Institute of Technology and the Emory Goizueta Business School to participate in a lab-to-market journey in unconventional business and entrepreneurial career paths in the life sciences!

Recently Offered Courses

  • Design Thinking
  • Think, Code, Make
  • Innovation Strategy

Founders & Growers

Creating, leading and growing scalable new ventures

  • Pitch the Professors

    Goizueta students are invited to apply to pitch their startup concept. Every week, 2 student startups pitch to 2 Goizueta professors, who provide feedback and recommendations, to help turn it into reality. 6 students per semester win a spot at the Atlanta Tech Village to collaborate with other entrepreneurs.
  • Startup Launch Accelerator

    In collaboration with The Hatchery, a fast-paced, eight-week program focused on helping your startup achieve investment-readiness.

Recently Offered Courses

  • Entrepreneurial Practicum
  • Applied Entrepreneurship
  • Social Entrepreneurship

Investors & Connectors

Managing funds and pooling capital and resources for venture formation

Recently Offered Courses

  • Entrepreneurial Private Equity
  • Venture Capital & Private Equity
  • Venture Capital & Minority Investing

Get Involved

  • Peachtree Minority Venture Fund

    Underrepresented minority founders receive less than 3% of US venture capital investment. A large part of that issue is that typical venture capital investors are White/Asian and have very little exposure to underrepresented minority markets. Peachtree seeks to play a role in changing these narratives.

Ecosystem Collaborators & Partners

Share Your Experience

Please share your entrepreneurship, innovation, investor, creator experience with us.