
Grace Pownall is Professor Emeritus of Accounting. She holds a BS in Accounting from the University of Illinois, an MBA from the University of Chicago, and a PhD in Accounting and Economics also from the University of Chicago. She joined the GBS faculty in 1993, served as Accounting Area Coordinator from 1993-1998 and 2014-2019, and as Associate Dean and Director of Doctoral Studies from 2004-2011. Her research interests include corporate disclosure incentives and practices, and information in global capital markets. Her research has been published in Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, and Management Science, among other journals. She is the co-editor of Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, and associate editor of the Journal of International Accounting Research. She served as Associate Editor (1999-2002), on the editorial board (2005-2008), and on the steering committee (2018-2021) of The Accounting Review, and as associate editor, on the editorial board, and/or as ad hoc reviewer for over a dozen other journals.

Professor Pownall served as Vice-President of the American Accounting Association (1999-2001), and Director of the AAA 1999 Doctoral Consortium. She served in several roles in the AAA Doctoral Consortium and in the AAA New Faculty Consortium, and on several committees of the American Accounting Association, the International Accounting Section, the Financial Accounting and Reporting Section, and the Accounting Programs Leadership Group.


  • PhD in Accounting and Economics
    University of Chicago
  • Master's in Business Administration
    University of Chicago
  • Bachelor's Science in Accounting
    University of Illinois at Chicago