USA Today
December 1, 2023
I admit it. I have never been great at coming up with gift ideas.
I do not have that gift, so to speak, of knowing exactly what someone would like without asking or I worry that they’ll want to return what I ultimately pick. Occasionally, I have hit a home run picking up on an idea for the perfect gift
Fast Company
October 6, 2023
The digitally altered memes have become a tradition that not-so-subtly promotes the chain of Halloween pop-up shops.
Yahoo News
July 18, 2023
Your favorite shows and movies are on hold as actors and writers from New York to L.A. to here in Atlanta, are on strike.
Harvard Business Review
April 7, 2023
Generative AI, which uses data lakes and question snippets to recover patterns and relationships, is becoming more prevalent in creative industries. However, the legal implications of using generative AI are still unclear, particularly in relation to copyright infringement, ownership of AI-generated works, and unlicensed content in training data. Courts are currently trying to establish how intellectual property laws should be applied to generative AI, and several cases have already been filed. To protect themselves from these risks, companies that use generative AI need to ensure that they are in compliance with the law and take steps to mitigate potential risks, such as ensuring they use training data free from unlicensed content and developing ways to show provenance of generated content.
Women's Wear Daily
October 5, 2022
Such alliances inevitably have some overlap with their respective audiences, but more often than not there is the opportunity to attract new people for both sides. David Schweidel, a marketing professor at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School, said, “It goes both ways. The politician who is partnering with the designer already has their core following. But this is another way to reach a broader audience that they might not have that direct access to.”
News Nation
October 21, 2022
Emory University Marketing Professor David Schweidel has researched the effectiveness of negative political advertising and says the trend of negative ads and language goes back at least a decade.
The negativity, he said, just works, and it reflects a divided country.
“If I scare you, if I come out and say, ‘if you don’t do this, this is where we’re heading, it’s going to be a really bad place’ — If I can trigger that fear in you, that’s more likely to get you to act,” Schweidel said.
The New York Times
December 11, 2021
"Think of product placement as an alternative form of advertising," David Schweidel, a professor of marketing at Emory University Goizueta Business School, in Atlanta, says. In recent years, companies have been seeking out product-placement agreements more than ever, he says. The increased use of streaming platforms means viewers are seeing fewer commercials, driving companies to make greater use of product-placement deals to promote themselves.
July 25, 2021
“If I’m starting to cobble together my viewing experience as a series of streaming services, I potentially don’t get exposed to traditional television advertising anymore,” Emory University marketing professor David Schweidel told Bloomberg recently. “So product placement becomes the way of cutting down the cost associated with production when you don’t have advertising to support you.”
July 16, 2021
Whether all these deals pay off for Warner Bros. or its partners remains to be seen. Movie tie-ins can provide big benefits to sponsors, if not the studios, according to David A. Schweidel, a marketing professor at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School. The studio doesn’t reveal the terms of its arrangements. "I wouldn’t say that you can expect to draw new viewers to the movies with these partnerships,” Schweidel said in an email. “But, for the brands, these partnerships can be successful tools at attracting the attention of moviegoers.”
ABC News
May 17, 2021
David Schweidel, a business professor at Emory University, questioned whether consumers will be better off with the deal. “If I do decide to cut the cord and I need three to five services to get what I had before, that bill could easily approach what I was paying for cable before,” Schweidel said. “This may end up hurting consumers.”
May 16, 2021
Featuring David Schweidel
Morning Brew
April 12, 2021
If red, white, and blue-blooded beer brands feel comfortable putting out vaccine PSAs...why don’t more brands go all-in?
Morning Brew
March 24, 2021
If much of your customer base has political views against vaccination, a vaccine card promo could hurt brand trust more than help it.
December 2, 2020
Some viewers complain, but experts say negative ads drive voters to the polls.
November 9, 2020
Two Senate seats are up for grabs, with control of Congress at stake
August 20, 2019
The landscape is shifting quickly with regards to consumer data privacy. GDPR led to fines being levied against British Airways and Marriott for data breaches. Google has also been hit with penalties under the new regulations. With a maximum penalty of 4% of a company’s global revenue, this could result in multi-billion-dollar penalties for large tech companies like Google and Facebook.
May 20, 2019
Social media and television viewing make strange bedfellows.
May 15, 2019
This isn’t the first time the platform made headlines, and it certainly won’t be the last
April 5, 2019
Marketers have feared that social media distracts viewers from commercials and minimizes their impact. But this research found the opposite. “Social shows” are more beneficial to advertisers because commercials that air in those programs generate more online shopping on the advertisers’ websites.
January 29, 2019
People use words to communicate what they think, feel and believe. But for social psychologists, words can do far more than convey one’s thoughts and emotions.
The Guardian
October 11, 2018
Negative campaign advertisements are as familiar in US elections as door-knocking and yard signs. But as the 2018 midterm election campaign pulls into its homestretch, Republican attacks in two congressional races happening 3,000 miles apart have triggered alarm bells for targeting non-white candidates in an apparent effort to highlight their “otherness”.
November 2, 2018
We spoke with David Schweidel, professor of marketing at Emory University, about the problem with social media echo chambers.
In response to demands to shut down Gab after the Pittsburgh shooting, the site tweeted, "Words are not bullets and Gab isn't going anywhere." Schweidel discussed where the responsibility should lie when preventing violent hate speech online.
June 4, 2018
The study "A Border Strategy Analysis of Ad Source and Message Tone in Senatorial Campaigns," which will be published in the June edition of INFORMS journal Marketing Science, is co-authored by Yanwen Wang of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver; Michael Lewis of Emory University in Atlanta; and David A. Schweidel of Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.
December 16, 2015
VEDANTAM: Well, Wendy Moe at the University of Maryland and David Schweidel at Emory University, Steve, they analyzed television binge watchers. It's actually difficult to measure whether when you're watching television you're paying attention to the ads or not. So what Moe and Schweidel did was they analyzed television binge watching on the Hulu platform. People are watching television on a computer. There are ads that show up. And they attract about 10,000 viewers - 100,000 viewing sessions. And the researchers analyzed how willing people were to engage with the ads. Here's Moe...
August 10, 2015
Braun collaborated on development of the customer valuation model with David A. Schweidel, associate professor of marketing in the Goizueta Business School at Emory University, and Eli Stein, a statistics undergraduate at Harvard University when the study was conducted and the paper written. Braun said the research is the first to identify and quantify how differences in the interactions of customers with a firm affect the long-term value of the customer relationships...
Emory News Center
February 2, 2015
New books: David Schweidel, an associate professor of marketing at Goizueta Business School, looks at the present in identifying trends of the future. For example, presently, marketers have troves of data on customers. The goal for the future? Identify more ways to utilize the data in decision making (“Profiting from the Data Economy”)...
September 8, 2014
In research just published in Marketing Science, my colleagues David Schweidel of Emory University and Natasha Foutz of the University of Virginia and I began to explore whether such synergies exist. Specifically we examined how product placement might affect the audience for subsequent ads in a number of cases. These included a perfect match, which is when the same product features in both the placement and the ad, e.g. the judges on American Idol drink Coke and then a Coke advertisement is shown in a subsequent commercial break...
Thew New York Times
December 12, 2021
A Peloton stationary bike played a pivotal role on the new HBO Max “Sex and the City” revival, whose premiere preceded a drop in the company’s stock price on Friday.