
What makes the Goizueta experience unique is the activity of putting theory into practice to help you obtain careers in operations, creating and managing processes that drive efficiency within organizations.

Sample Courses

In some industries, supplying goods to customers is primarily controlled within an organization, and a classic example of this structure was the Ford plant at Highland Park. Today advances in communication and transportation have led to complex supply chains that span organizations and continents. This course will combine cases and readings to allow students to understand the operations and economics of supply chains, and how companies use supply chain management in creating a competitive advantage. This will require the development of some analytic tools for determining operating policies that effectively manage the numerous trade-offs in supply chains. We will also be careful, though, to put these decisions in the context of the overall strategy of the firm. Supply chains are a natural place to examine global operations, where links of the supply chain are located around the world in an attempt to successfully compete. Students with an interest in careers in consulting or in operations functions are the primary target for this course. But supply chain organizations are often closely tied to marketing functions, and supply chains have on the financial structure of the firm.

This course will examine the ways in which information technologies drive and facilitate organizational innovation. Through a variety of readings as well as written and live business case studies, students will develop a framework for thinking about the range of technologies that may be brought to bear on business innovations. In addition, we will explore how these technological tools actually create new business models for the production and consumption of goods and services. The course will revolve around a project that will use the educational environment as a lab for designing technologically driven innovation.

Health Care is the largest industry in the US. Faced with rising costs and quality challenges, while simultaneously experiencing an increase in demand for limited resources, health care organizations are under unprecedented pressure to improve efficiency and quality. This course provides key general-purpose concepts from Operations Management, including decision making under uncertainty, quality and process improvement, capacity planning, cost benefit analysis, and technology adoption, with special applications to health care delivery. The goal is to provide students with a clear understanding of the challenges confronting the stakeholders in the healthcare industry, and to demonstrate how technology and tools from Operations Management can play a critical role in solving one of the most pressing economic and social challenges of our time.

The course reviews how to configure an appropriate and effective operating system: one that aligns with, supports, and delivers the chosen value proposition. We also examine the complexities associated with global operating systems, including the hidden costs of outsourcing and offshoring. An important goal of this course is to frame key strategic operations issues and to provide tools to resolve them.

Service Operations Management will build on the concepts from Process and Systems Management and explore the particular challenges and strategies for managing services. We will examine the similarities and differences between services and more traditional manufacturing and supply chain management. Businesses in the service sector are very diverse and include document processing, transportation, customer support, hospitality and consulting. We will build frameworks to classify service processes and discuss the managerial challenges of different environments.

This course expands on the basic statistical tools of ISOM 350 in two major ways: [1] New methods of Modeling/Analyzing data and [2] Development of automated structures to support decisions tied to data. This course is a very "hands on" working-with-data, either data sets provided or those you are specifically interested in.

This course reviews process analysis in detail. Process analysis is a key component of Six Sigma programs. Six Sigma is an approach for performance improvement that was made famous by GE and is currently being implemented by thousands of companies. The analytical skills you learn in this course are important to many employers and can be foundational for a career in operational performance improvement.

Introduction to the concepts, assumptions, and methods underlying managerial accounting, with an emphasis on using accounting information to plan and control a company's operations. Topics include information relevant for decision-making, cost behavior, activity-based costing, pricing, cost-volume-profit analysis, operating budgets and variance analysis, capital budgeting, and performance evaluation.

Select Faculty

  • Offered Courses

  • Graduates in Operations Roles