Jessica Lewis
Two-Year MBA, 2022

Jessica Lewis

Senior Consultant, Deloitte


Before coming to Goizueta, Jessica Lewis already knew she had a strong passion for mentorship. After a few leadership development opportunities through various jobs, she knew she was ready to transform her career. “Coming to business school, I had my eyes set on human capital,” Jessica says. “I really wanted to hone in on some of those skills to develop my leadership skills, as well as how I can actually help with changing a whole organization.”

Goizueta opened a variety of opportunities for Jessica and helped define her career path even further. While she had a focus on consulting, she joined various groups and organizations such as student government, the human capital club and Delta Leadership Coaching Fellows that allowed her to explore new avenues. “I felt like when I walked in the doors, I could basically do anything,” she says. “It just helped me completely grow as a person and that, in turn, helped me grow into my career that I was looking to pursue.” 

While Jessica’s involvement only continued to grow during her time at Goizueta, so did her network. Throughout the recruiting process, Jessica found endless support from faculty, staff, the Career Management Center, fellow classmates and even alumni. “What really struck me about the Goizueta alumni community is that they always frame themselves as alumni first and the company second. I've always felt like I could ask any Goizueta alumni any question under the sun, and they always answered whatever you have to ask.” 

Now working as a human capital consultant at Deloitte, Jessica continues to grow her community and stay close to the Emory network. “I have always felt throughout my entire time as a student - and now alumni - that if I needed something I could always reach out to someone,” she says. “We're a very proud community, and I always feel like whenever you find someone that's Goizueta or Emory, in general, I've always been met with an open smile and an open hand.”