Our faculty explore the critical questions businesses must ask to solve complex business problems and better our communities by serving fundamental societal needs.
Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Where intellectual curiosity meets active research
Entrepreneurship & Innovation Faculty
Faculty Research
Entrepreneurship—Venture Creation and Growth
- So, You Want to Start a Business?: 8 Steps to Take Before Making the Leap: 8 Steps to Take Before Making the Leap, Hess, Edward and Charles Goetz, FT Press, 2009.
- The Great Entrepreneurial Divide - The Winning Tactics of Successful Entrepreneurs and Why Everyone Else Fails, Goetz, Charles and Michael Axelrod (Fourth Edition), FT Press, 2014.
- “The Creation of Capabilities in New Ventures: A Longitudinal Study,” by Robert K. Kazanjian and H. Rao. Organization Studies, 20 (1), 125-142.
- "A Stage-Contingent Model of New Venture Design and Growth," by Robert K. Kazanjian and Robert Drazin. Journal of Business Venturing, 5, pp. 137-150.
- "A Reanalysis of Miller and Friesen's Life Cycle Data," by Robert Drazin and Robert Kazanjian in Strategic Management Journal, 11 (4), May-June, pp. 319-329.
- "An Empirical Test of a Stage of Growth Progression Model," by Robert K. Kazanjian and Robert Drazin in Management Science, 35 (12), December.
- "Clarifying Decision Making In High Growth Ventures: The Use of Responsibility Charting," by Thomas N. Gilmore and Robert K. Kazanjian in Journal of Business Venturing, 4 (1), January, pp.69-83.
- "The Relation of Dominant Problems to Stage of Growth in Technology Based New Ventures: An Empirical Assessment," by Robert K. Kazanjian in Academy of Management Journal, 31 (2), June, pp. 257-279
- Baron, James, Michael T. Hannan, Greta Hsu, and Özgecan Koçak. In the Company of Women: Gender Inequality and the Logic of Bureaucracy in Start-up Firms. Work and Occupations 34: 35–66.
- Observing Acceleration: Uncovering the Effects of Accelerators on Impact oriented Entrepreneurs, Peter Roberts and Saurabh Lall, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019
Innovation in Established, Complex Organizations
- Financial Innovation and Borrowers: Evidence from Peer-to-Peer Lending (working paper), Tetyana Balyuk
- T. H. Chan, J. Mihm, M. Sosa. “On Styles in Product Design: An Analysis of US Design Patents.” Management Science 64(3): 1230-1249
- T. H. Chan, F. de Véricourt, O. Besbes. “Contracting in Medical Equipment Maintenance Services: An Empirical Investigation.” Management Science 65(3): 1136-1150
- T. H. Chan, J. Mihm, M. Sosa. “Revisiting the Role of Collaboration in Creating Breakthrough Inventions.” (Accepted at Manufacturing & Service Operations Management)
- Capozzi, Marla; Dye, Renee; and Howe, Amy. “Sparking Creativity in Teams: An Executive’s Guide.” McKinsey Quarterly.
- Coyne, Kevin; Clifford, Patricia; and Dye, Renee. “Breakthrough Thinking From Inside the Box.” Harvard Business Review.
- “Fostering Innovation In Complex Product Development Settings: The Role of Team Member Identity And Inter-team Interdependence” by MaryAnn Glynn, Robert K. Kazanjian and Robert Drazin. Journal of Product Innovation Management, (27), 1082-1095.
- “Creativity and Technological Learning; The Roles of Organization Architecture and Crisis in Large Scale Projects” by Robert K. Kazanjian, Robert Drazin and Mary Ann Glynn. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 17, 273-298.
- “Multi-Level Theorizing about Creativity in Organizations: A Sensemaking Perspective” by Robert Drazin, Mary Ann Glynn and Robert K. Kazanjian. Academy of Management Review, 24 (2), 286-307.
- "Implementing Internal Diversifications: Contingency Factors for Organization Design Choices," by Robert K. Kazanjian and Robert Drazin in Academy of Management Review, 25 (2), April, pp. 342-354.
- "Implementing Manufacturing Innovations: Critical Choices of Structure and Staffing Roles," by Robert K. Kazanjian and Robert Drazin in Human Resource Management, 25 (3), pp. 385-404
- Koçak, Özgecan and Özge Can. Determinants of Inter-firm Networks Among Tenants of Science Technology Parks. Industrial and Corporate Change 23(2): 467-492.
- McCarthy, Daniel; Oblander, Elliot. "Scalable Data Fusion with Selection Correction: An Application to Customer Base Analysis". Forthcoming at Marketing Science.
- McCarthy, Daniel; Fader, Peter. "Customer-Based Corporate Valuation for Publicly Traded Non-Contractual Firms". Journal of Marketing Research, 55(5), 617-635.
- McCarthy, Daniel; Fader, Peter; Hardie, Bruce. "Valuing Subscription-Based Businesses Using Publicly Disclosed Customer Data". Journal of Marketing, 81(1), 17-35.
- “Hybrids in Hollywood: A Study of the Production and Performance of Genre Spanning Films.” Industrial and Corporate Change 21: 1427–1450. Giacomo Negro with G. Hsu, and F. Perretti.
- “Mixing Genres, Matching People: A Study in Innovation and Team Composition in Hollywood.” Journal of Organizational Behavior 28: 563–586. Giacomo Negro with F. Perretti.
- “Filling Empty Seats: How Social Status and Organizational Hierarchies Affect Exploration vs. Exploitation in Team Design.” Academy of Management Journal 49: 759–777. Giacomo Negro with F. Perretti.
- Perry-Smith, J.E. and Mannucci, P.V. From creativity to innovation: The social network drivers of the four phases of the idea journey. Academy of Management Review, 42: 53-79.
- Perry-Smith, J.E. Social network ties beyond non-redundancy: An experimental investigation of the effect of knowledge content and tie strength on creativity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99: 831-846.
- Perry-Smith, J.E. and Shalley, C.E. A social composition view of team creativity: The role of member nationality heterogeneous ties outside of the team. Organization Science, 25: 1434-1452.
- Perry-Smith, J.E. and Coff, R.W. In the mood for entrepreneurial creativity? How optimal group affect differs for generating and selecting ideas for new ventures. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 5: 247-268.
- Bendoly, E., Perry-Smith, J.E., and. D. G. Bachrach. The perception of difficulty in project-work planning and its impact on resource sharing. Journal of Operations Management, 28: 385-397.
- Shalley, C.E. and Perry-Smith, J.E. The emergence of team creative cognition: The role of diverse outside ties, socio-cognitive network centrality, and team evolution. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 2: 23-41.
- Perry-Smith, J.E. Social yet creative: The role of social relationships in facilitating individual creativity. Academy of Management Journal, 49: 85-101.
- Perry-Smith, J.E. and Shalley, C.E. The social side of creativity: A static and dynamic social network perspective. Academy of Management Review, 28: 89-106.
- Shalley, C.E. and Perry-Smith, J.E. Effects of social-psychological factors on creative performance: The role of informational and controlling expected evaluation and modeling experience. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 84: 1-22.