Entrepreneurship & Innovation


Where intellectual curiosity meets active research

Our faculty explore the critical questions businesses must ask to solve complex business problems and better our communities by serving fundamental societal needs.

Entrepreneurship & Innovation Faculty

Faculty Research

Entrepreneurship—Venture Creation and Growth

  • So, You Want to Start a Business?: 8 Steps to Take Before Making the Leap: 8 Steps to Take Before Making the Leap, Hess, Edward and Charles Goetz, FT Press, 2009.
  • The Great Entrepreneurial Divide - The Winning Tactics of Successful Entrepreneurs and Why Everyone Else Fails, Goetz, Charles and Michael Axelrod (Fourth Edition), FT Press, 2014.
  • “The Creation of Capabilities in New Ventures: A Longitudinal Study,” by Robert K. Kazanjian and H. Rao. Organization Studies, 20 (1), 125-142.
  • "A Stage-Contingent Model of New Venture Design and Growth," by Robert K. Kazanjian and Robert Drazin. Journal of Business Venturing, 5, pp. 137-150.
  • "A Reanalysis of Miller and Friesen's Life Cycle Data," by Robert Drazin and Robert Kazanjian in Strategic Management Journal, 11 (4), May-June, pp. 319-329.
  • "An Empirical Test of a Stage of Growth Progression Model," by Robert K. Kazanjian and Robert Drazin in Management Science, 35 (12), December.
  • "Clarifying Decision Making In High Growth Ventures: The Use of Responsibility Charting," by Thomas N. Gilmore and Robert K. Kazanjian in Journal of Business Venturing, 4 (1), January, pp.69-83.
  • "The Relation of Dominant Problems to Stage of Growth in Technology Based New Ventures: An Empirical Assessment," by Robert K. Kazanjian in Academy of Management Journal, 31 (2), June, pp. 257-279
  • Baron, James, Michael T. Hannan, Greta Hsu, and Ă–zgecan Koçak. In the Company of Women: Gender Inequality and the Logic of Bureaucracy in Start-up Firms. Work and Occupations 34: 35–66.
  • Observing Acceleration: Uncovering the Effects of Accelerators on Impact oriented Entrepreneurs, Peter Roberts and Saurabh Lall, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019

Innovation in Established, Complex Organizations

  • Financial Innovation and Borrowers: Evidence from Peer-to-Peer Lending (working paper), Tetyana Balyuk
  • T. H. Chan, J. Mihm, M. Sosa. “On Styles in Product Design: An Analysis of US Design Patents.” Management Science 64(3): 1230-1249
  • T. H. Chan, F. de VĂ©ricourt, O. Besbes. “Contracting in Medical Equipment Maintenance Services: An Empirical Investigation.” Management Science 65(3): 1136-1150
  • T. H. Chan, J. Mihm, M. Sosa. “Revisiting the Role of Collaboration in Creating Breakthrough Inventions.” (Accepted at Manufacturing & Service Operations Management)
  • Capozzi, Marla; Dye, Renee; and Howe, Amy. “Sparking Creativity in Teams: An Executive’s Guide.” McKinsey Quarterly.
  • Coyne, Kevin; Clifford, Patricia; and Dye, Renee. “Breakthrough Thinking From Inside the Box.” Harvard Business Review.
  • “Fostering Innovation In Complex Product Development Settings: The Role of Team Member Identity And Inter-team Interdependence” by MaryAnn Glynn, Robert K. Kazanjian and Robert Drazin. Journal of Product Innovation Management, (27), 1082-1095.
  • “Creativity and Technological Learning; The Roles of Organization Architecture and Crisis in Large Scale Projects” by Robert K. Kazanjian, Robert Drazin and Mary Ann Glynn. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 17, 273-298.
  • “Multi-Level Theorizing about Creativity in Organizations: A Sensemaking Perspective” by Robert Drazin, Mary Ann Glynn and Robert K. Kazanjian. Academy of Management Review, 24 (2), 286-307.
  • "Implementing Internal Diversifications: Contingency Factors for Organization Design Choices," by Robert K. Kazanjian and Robert Drazin in Academy of Management Review, 25 (2), April, pp. 342-354.
  • "Implementing Manufacturing Innovations: Critical Choices of Structure and Staffing Roles," by Robert K. Kazanjian and Robert Drazin in Human Resource Management, 25 (3), pp. 385-404
  • Koçak, Ă–zgecan and Ă–zge Can. Determinants of Inter-firm Networks Among Tenants of Science Technology Parks. Industrial and Corporate Change 23(2): 467-492.
  • McCarthy, Daniel; Oblander, Elliot. "Scalable Data Fusion with Selection Correction: An Application to Customer Base Analysis". Forthcoming at Marketing Science. 
  • McCarthy, Daniel; Fader, Peter. "Customer-Based Corporate Valuation for Publicly Traded Non-Contractual Firms". Journal of Marketing Research, 55(5), 617-635. 
  • McCarthy, Daniel; Fader, Peter; Hardie, Bruce. "Valuing Subscription-Based Businesses Using Publicly Disclosed Customer Data". Journal of Marketing, 81(1), 17-35. 
  • “Hybrids in Hollywood: A Study of the Production and Performance of Genre Spanning Films.” Industrial and Corporate Change 21: 1427–1450. Giacomo Negro with G. Hsu, and F. Perretti.
  • “Mixing Genres, Matching People: A Study in Innovation and Team Composition in Hollywood.” Journal of Organizational Behavior 28: 563–586. Giacomo Negro with F. Perretti.
  • “Filling Empty Seats: How Social Status and Organizational Hierarchies Affect Exploration vs. Exploitation in Team Design.” Academy of Management Journal 49: 759–777. Giacomo Negro with F. Perretti.
  • Perry-Smith, J.E. and Mannucci, P.V. From creativity to innovation: The social network drivers of the four phases of the idea journey. Academy of Management Review, 42: 53-79.
  • Perry-Smith, J.E. Social network ties beyond non-redundancy: An experimental investigation of the effect of knowledge content and tie strength on creativity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99: 831-846.
  • Perry-Smith, J.E. and Shalley, C.E. A social composition view of team creativity: The role of member nationality heterogeneous ties outside of the team. Organization Science, 25: 1434-1452.
  • Perry-Smith, J.E. and Coff, R.W. In the mood for entrepreneurial creativity? How optimal group affect differs for generating and selecting ideas for new ventures. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 5: 247-268.
  • Bendoly, E., Perry-Smith, J.E., and. D. G. Bachrach. The perception of difficulty in project-work planning and its impact on resource sharing. Journal of Operations Management, 28: 385-397.
  • Shalley, C.E. and Perry-Smith, J.E. The emergence of team creative cognition: The role of diverse outside ties, socio-cognitive network centrality, and team evolution. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 2: 23-41.
  • Perry-Smith, J.E. Social yet creative: The role of social relationships in facilitating individual creativity. Academy of Management Journal, 49: 85-101.
  • Perry-Smith, J.E. and Shalley, C.E. The social side of creativity: A static and dynamic social network perspective. Academy of Management Review, 28: 89-106.
  • Shalley, C.E. and Perry-Smith, J.E. Effects of social-psychological factors on creative performance: The role of informational and controlling expected evaluation and modeling experience. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 84: 1-22.

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