Site Header

This is the Site Header used as the site's branding.

Markup Details
                            {{ attach_library('goizueta_theme/site-header') }}

{% if attributes %}
  {# Preserve the Drupal attributes if they're available. #}
  {% set attributes = attributes.addClass('site-header') %}
  {% if collapsed %}
    {% set attributes = attributes.addClass('collapsed') %}
  {% endif %}
{% else %}
  {% if collapsed %}
    {% set attributes = ' class="site-header collapsed"' %}
  {% else %}
    {% set attributes = ' class="site-header"' %}
  {% endif %}
{% endif %}

<section{{ attributes|raw }}>
  {% if secondary_nav %}
      include '@components/utility-bar/utility-bar.twig' with {
        "secondary_nav": secondary_nav,
        "site_search": site_search,
        "theme_path": theme_path,
        "site_name": site_name
      } only
  {% endif %}
  {% if site_logo or mega_menu %}
    <div class="site-header__brand-mega-menu">
      <div class="site-header__brand-mega-menu__inner">
        {% if site_logo %}
            include '@components/site-logo/site-logo.twig' with {
              "icon": site_logo.icon
            } only
        {% endif %}
        {% if mega_menu %}
          <nav id="nav" class="mega-menu__container mega-nav mega-menu__main">
              include '@components/mega-menu/mega-menu.twig' with {
                "max_level" : mega_menu.max_level,
                "items": mega_menu.items
              } only
        {% endif %}
  {% endif %}

  {% if secondary_nav %}
    <div class="site-header__secondary-nav--wrapper">
        include '@components/secondary-nav/secondary-nav.twig' with {
          "items": secondary_nav,
          "classes": ' secondary-nav--mobile'
        } only
  {% endif %}