Text Breaker

The Text Breaker component is a collection of text fields such as eyebrow Heading and body text. It usually acts as a page breaker.

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Markup Details
                            {{ attach_library('goizueta_theme/text-breaker') }}

  set attributes = attributes ? attributes.addClass('text-breaker') : ' class="text-breaker"'

{% if eyebrow or heading or body_text %}
  <section{{ attributes|raw }}>
    {% if eyebrow %}
        include '@components/eyebrow/eyebrow.twig' with {
          "text": eyebrow
        } only
    {% endif %}

    {% if heading %}
        include '@components/heading/heading.twig' with {
          "heading": heading
        } only
    {% endif %}

    {% if body_text %}
        include '@components/body-text/body-text.twig' with {
          "body_text": body_text
        } only
    {% endif %}

{% endif %}