Statistic Card

The Statistic card has two variants:
The homepage variant has yellow rings and and the variable font weight. The internal page has blue rings, and a standard header treatment.

light title Heavy title
This is an optional summary field that gets display below the number
Markup Details
                            {{ attach_library('goizueta_theme/statistic-card') }}

{# Preserve the Drupal attributes if they're available. #}
{% set component_classes = 'statistic-card' %}
{% set attributes = attributes ? attributes.addClass(component_classes) : ' class="' ~ component_classes ~ '"' %}

<article {{ attributes|raw }}>
  <div class="statistic-card__circles">
    {% include '@components/circular-progress-bar/circular-progress-bar.twig' with {
      "circular_progress_bar" : statistic_card.circular_progress_bar
    } only %}
  <div class="statistic-card__head">
    {% include '@components/heading/heading.twig' with {
      "heading" : statistic_card.heading
    } only %}
  {% if statistic_card.summary %}
    <div class="statistic-card__summary">
      {{ statistic_card.summary }}
  {% endif %}