Scroller Slide Engage List

Slide with engage card list for full-page scrolling content.

This is a page title

  • Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

    Spread the cost of your support over the course of a year by authorizing your bank to transfer to Emory a monthly amount you've predetermined.
  • Matching Gift

    Double or even triple the value of your donation by asking your company to match your support for Emory.
  • Stocks, Securities, or Estate

    There are many ways to give to Emory. With careful planning, you can create a legacy at Goizueta and tax benefits for yourself.

This is a page title

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

Spread the cost of your support over the course of a year by authorizing your bank to transfer to Emory a monthly amount you've predetermined.

Matching Gift

Double or even triple the value of your donation by asking your company to match your support for Emory.

Stocks, Securities, or Estate

There are many ways to give to Emory. With careful planning, you can create a legacy at Goizueta and tax benefits for yourself.
Markup Details
                            {{ attach_library('goizueta_theme/scroller-slide-engage-list') }}

{% set horizontal_cards %}
  {% include '@components/engage-cards-list/engage-cards-list.twig' with {
    "heading" : heading,
    "modifier_class" : "engage-cards-horizontal",
    "items": card_items
  } %}
{% endset  %}
{% set page_title_val = page_title ? page_title : null %}

{# For wide screens: all cards on one page. #}
{% include '@components/scroller-slide/scroller-slide.twig' with {
  "modifier_classes": "narrow-hide engage-list engage-list__wide",
  "page_title": page_title_val,
  "content": horizontal_cards
} %}

{# For narrow screens: one card per slide. #}
{% for card in card_items %}
  {% set card_content %}
    {% if heading %}
        include '@components/heading/heading.twig' with {
        "heading": heading
    {% endif %}
    {% include '@components/engage-card/engage-card.twig' with {
      "title": card.title,
      "body": card.body,
      "cta": card.cta,
      "icon": card.icon
    } %}
  {% endset %}
  {% include '@components/scroller-slide/scroller-slide.twig' with {
    "modifier_classes": "narrow-only engage-list engage-list__narrow",
    "page_title": page_title_val,
    "content": card_content
  } %}
  {% set page_title_val = false %}
{% endfor %}